Monday, June 26, 2006


This morning I read an opinion article in the Asahi:
"We must not think that Japan is the only country with good qualities or believe that our 'unique culture' is better than others (...) There is no reason we should feel superior to others".
This is such an evident truth that I'm amazed it is still necessary to publish something so basic in a big newspaper. But then, after all, maybe the writer is right to recall this evidence. He writes a little bit further:
"Some people are calling for the revival of so-called Japanese virtues. There are moves under way to introduce this idea in schools, and the Diet recently debated a revision to the Fundamental Law of Education. Such moves are aimed at strengthening moral education and promoting patriotism (...)
In my opinion the moves only encourage the view that Japan is somehow special. If the argument for patriotism is abused, it could lead the public toward the same nationalism we had in the prewar years.

Point of view: Japan is good enough to be an ordinary nation (Asahi - 2006/6/26)


Anonymous said...






vincent said...

Thanks for your thoughts, Mikechan. I'm not sure my level of Japanese if high enough to understand all the nuances of your beautiful and intellectual Japanese. Forgive me if I misunderstood some points.

Indeed we have skinheads, neo-nazi's and quite a some of Westerners who still believe in 'White Supremacy' in Europe. I'm certainly not ignoring this. In fact, I come form a region (Flanders) where about 25% of the people for 'Het Vlaams Belang', a racist party (even if they affirm they are not racist). I have always opposed extreme right when I lived in Belgium.

But now I live in Japan, I read the news, I follow the political situation in this country. I care about the future of Japan, I care about the Japanese people and I care about my position as a foreigner with permanent residency here. So, why do you always have to remember me that Europe has also its flaws? I now very well Europe is not perfect. I do not represent Europe. I'm an individual with rather 'left-liberal' opinions who represent only himself and nothing than himself. Do I have to keep my mouth shut simple because I originate from a continent that has done also many things wrong? I don’t think so.

Anonymous said...

「This is such an evident truth that I'm amazed it is still necessary to publish something so basic in a big newspaper.」という驚きの裏に、「ベルギー(欧州)では、このようなコラムが新聞に掲載されるなんて考えられない(問題は解決されており、もう必要ない)。日本は遅れている。」という意味を読みとるのは不自然ではないと思うのですが・・・。



Anonymous said...

"I care about the future of Japan,"
Please care about the future of Congo which people were massacred by your grandpa.

vincent said...

Yokohaman: Ah, here is the old discussion again. I have to shut up about Japanese colonization because Belgium colonized Congo quite brutally. It's a too stupid assertion the respond to this. The time frame was not the same, the situation was not the same. I will not justify the colonization of Congo, but to try to link this question to what Japan did at the end of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century in Asia is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...


vincent said...

Mikechan, there are different reasons why I do notwant to talk about Congo:

1. My obsession is Japan. My time is limited. Even the history of Africa is very interesting, I have to make choices. I have been twice to Rwanda and would like to talk about this country and my experiences there, but there are time restraints. If we start to talk about the African continent and colonization, we touch a very big and endless subject. In this blog, I would like to focus on Japan. I don’t want to start a discussion about a totally different subject.
2. In my view, you cannot compare colonization of Africa and colonization by the Japanese. It is completely different. I took place during another times, in a different context. It is not comparable and a discussion on this basis can lead to nowhere (hhis does not mean that I justify colonization by Western powers).
3. I do not represent Belgium. I'm an individual who represent only himself. I do not consider myself as belonging to a 'people, a nation'. Maybe for a lot of Japanese it is essential to be rooted in a group, but not for me. I do not feel 'Belgian'. I happen to have a Belgian passport, nothing more. I find it rather strange that some argue that I have to shut up about Japanese colonization because the colonization of Congo by the Belgians was also not very clean. When I make critical remarks about Japan’s past, I do not make these remarks based on my Belgian background. No, these remarks are based on my personal critical thinking rooted in values I consider as universal. I think I have the right to make negative remarks about Japan’s past without having to justify what the Belgians did in Congo.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


vincent said...

Mike-chan, you ask my opinion on two extremely difficult questions. You ask the right questions, but I cannot give an equilibrated response in a few lines.

Concerning the colonial policy of Japan. I can understand why Japan wanted colonies. The ‘whites’ had colonies, so why not Japan also? Furthermore, Japan needed resources. It’s a fact that the West could not accept that Japan became as strong as the Western powers. It is clear that before WOII, the West was biased and thought the ‘yellow people’ where inferior. Moreover, it is certainly true that Japan wanted to liberate the other Asian people form unjustified Western domination. A very good book about all those complicated racial questions: “Race War. White Supremacy and the Japanese Attack on the British Empire” by Gerald HORNE. It is an extremely interesting book that explains very well that the West could not accept the Japanese on equal footing. However, the book explains also very well that Japan misused completely it colonial power: brutal oppression, denial of individual rights, oppressive regime. At the beginning Japan was acclaimed as a liberator, but Japan lost every credibility as liberators by brutality and unjustified oppression. When I see that the museum of Yasukuni Shrine tries to convince us that the ‘Great Asian War’ was a ‘war of liberation’. I can only be very sad. This is pure and awful propaganda.

Concerning the Tokyo Tribunal. It is a fact that it was a ‘justice of victors’. The Indian Judge provided dissenting opinions and I think he was right. It is clear that the accused didn’t get a full fear lawsuit. However, I think it is awful bad that some politicians (Abe.. ) try to negate the outcome of the Tokyo Tribunal.

If Japan wants to rest the past and look to the future (as PM Koizumi says so often) , there is only one solution I think: Japan has to face the past as the Germans have done! Do you think that Nazi’s were judged fairy? It was also a 'justice of victors'. But contrary to Japan, Germany faced its past and showed remorse and still continues to show remorse. Germany was able to put the past behind. In Europe we have seen by thousand of acts the remorse of the Germans. That is why in Western Europe those who were oppressed by the nazis, do not hate the Germans anymore. That is why in Western Europe there are no problems with the terrible past anymore. Japan, on the contrary, has showed little true remorse. Japan tries to forget the past, some deny even the past. As long as Japan does not face the past, the tensions with neighboring Asian counties cannot find a solution. That is my opinion.

Anonymous said...





vincent said...

Mikechan. Thanks for this very interesting to the BBC poll. It’s interesting to note that in Western Europe only France seems to have a quite negative image about Japan. As I’m through my background culturally quite close to the French environment, maybe I exaggerate too much the negative image of Japan. A pity that in the poll The Netherlands and Belgium are not included. I would be interesting to know how positive/negative the image of Japan is in these countries. I suspect that in The Netherlands the opinion about Japan is closer to France than Spain.

Anonymous said...

