I think by now every foreigner in Japan must have heard about the GAIJIN HANZAI magazine (Gaijin Ura Hanzai Fairu - 'Foreigners Underground Crime File'), a xenophobic booklet accusing the foreigners of making Japan unsafe.
When I heard first about it via Japan Probe and Debito Arudou, I bought a copy via Amazon.co.jp to judge for myself. It was shocking. From the first page to the last page this magazine is repulsing.
The foreign media noticed the magazine: The Times Online, Australia’s ABC News, Bloomberg, Reuters, IHT…, but I haven’t seen much in the Japanese press.
The editor defends that is magazine is not racist. This nonsense of course when you read captions like "Oi Nigger!! Get your fuckin’ hands off that Japanese lady's ass!!" or "This is Japan. Go back to your country!" next to pictures of foreigners kissing Japanese girls (since when is kissing a Japanese girl a crime?). I suggest you read Debito Arudou's response to the lamentations of the editor.
Meanwhile, the unsellable GAIJIN HANZAI has become a collector’s item, according to Debito 's latest newsletter: "Even the last holdout, Amazon Japan, has 'sold out’'of the magazine. And for a couple of days, somebody was offering a used copy there for 20,000 yen! (somebody seems to have snatched it up.)"
PS: Someone has scanned the whole booklet and posted the pages here.
Excellent comment, couldn't agree more.
I love it.... great comment. Obviously referring to the self-styled saviour of Japan, Debito Aruto or whatever the guy's name is!
A sad chap really, wonder if he would be happy anywhere in this world. On the other hand, he seems to have managed to survive in spite of probably not having a proper job, by carving himself a little nice to live on nicely! So perhaps not that stupid after all!
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