Friday, July 21, 2006

Working but poor

Sorry, again about the widening income gap. As I said last week in Wereldnet: it will become that bad that some will work but still be poor:
"In Japan the poverty rate is higher for single-parent families that work than for those that do not work," said OCDE’s senior economist Randall Jones. "In Germany the solution is, get those single families to work and then they escape poverty. In Japan they're already working. The problem is the income is too low. So there's not the easy solution to say 'let's just find them jobs'."

OECD Concerned About Rising Poverty in Japan (VOA – 2006/7/20)


Anonymous said...

that is interesting to hear. I always thought there are not whole lot of poor Japanese and that they seemed all fairly equal. standard of living wasnt so high compaired to U.S. but it is still surprising.

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