Saturday, August 30, 2014
Monday, August 11, 2014
Japan News Articles August 3 - August 10
Haruki Murakami's new book peels back the layers of friendship | The Japan Times
Japan herdenkt atoombomaanval op Nagasaki - Wereld - Knack.be
China's Growing Military Might Has Japan on Edge: Tokyo Responds | The National Interest Blog
New capsule hotel in Japan signals the end of uncomfortable airport bench naps | Fox News
Fund CEO Starts Japan Boarding School in Globalizing Push - Bloomberg
AKB48: The Return of Idol Music and the Rise of the Superfan | Nippon.com
Japon : "S'il te plaît, prouve l'existence des cellules Stap !" - Le Point
Fukushima : Tepco envisage de rejeter en mer de l'eau souterraine décontaminée
After the romance of expat life fades, the dream lives on | The Japan Times
Think you've got rights as a foreigner in Japan? Well, it's complicated | The Japan Times
TEPCO: Nearly all nuclear fuel melted at Fukushima No. 3 reactor - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun
BBC News - Stem cell scientist found dead in apparent suicide
Sexist remarks heard at gender-equality meeting in Mie - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun
Pourquoi les Japonais font-ils le signe V sur les photos? | Slate.fr
Japan herdenkt verjaardag atoomramp Hiroshima - Gazet van Antwerpen Mobile
Sushi Iwa: High-end Michelin-starred sushi at a medium price | The Japan Times
STAP paper co-author Sasai commits suicide | The Japan Times
Rusland wil luchtruim sluiten voor Europese vluchten - Het Nieuwsblad
Japan's Abe looks for friends abroad as popularity wanes at home - The Washington Post
McDonald's lijdt onder vleesschandaal in Azië - Economie - De Morgen
Japanse stevent op nieuw verloren decennium af - Beursnieuws - Moneytalk.be - Moneytalk.be
Have You Ever Wondered Why East Asians Spontaneously Make V-Signs in Photos? | TIME
Russia May Restrict Trans-Siberian Flights for EU Airlines: Vedomosti - NYTimes.com
Nederlandse overlevenden atoombom Nagasaki vertellen over gruwelijke ervaringen - Nieuws.nl
Japan: Fukushima is still a cause for concern - Independent Catholic News
Japan sees gold in Muslim tourism - IOL Travel Aisa | IOL.co.za
Thursday, August 07, 2014
Wednesday, August 06, 2014
Tuesday, August 05, 2014
Monday, August 04, 2014
Japan News Articles July 28 - August 3
Wish for 'Prince Charming' draws women to Kyoto's Imamiyajinja shrine - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun
Japan to reduce unsafe abandoned houses by cutting tax breaks | The Japan Times
Rice fields abandoned across Japan as young move to cities - World - The Boston Globe
How Airbus May Put a Japanese Budget Airline Out of Business - Businessweek
Japan names five more islets for addition to Senkaku chain | The Japan Times
Deze man bleef als enige bij de kerncentrale van Fukushima wonen - Buitenland - De Morgen
Fireworks by “Hanabishi” Masters Blossom in the Night Sky | Nippon.com
To improve Osaka's reputation, police conceal 81,000 crimes - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun
Yokohama Triennale 2014: Remembering the forgotten | The Japan Times
35% of Japan's reconstruction budget for tsunami areas going unused | The Japan Times
The Wind-Up Bean Chronicle: Living as a Vegetarian in Japan | Nippon.com
Weinig beenruimte op het vliegtuig? Wacht tot je deze sumoworstelaars ziet - opmerkelijk - De Morgen
The Daily Item : “The Japanese were beaten before we even dropped the bomb”
Sony's fall could be great news for Abenomics | The Japan Times
Last U.S. crew member of Hiroshima bomber dies - AJW by The Asahi Shimbun
Japan's Policy of Denial on Religious Freedom | Aaron Rhodes
'Toyota noemt waterstofauto toekomst' | Toyota | Telegraaf.nl
Kerknieuws.nl: Scorcese verfilmt boek over vervolgde christenen Japan
BBC News - Japanese schoolgirl 'confesses' to killing classmate
Japan Heat Persists After Hottest Day of 2014 Leaves 11 Dead - Bloomberg
Japan’s Midnight Hours Thwart Abe’s Plans for More Working Moms - Bloomberg
Into the Tumult – An Extract from Deep Kyoto Walks by Pico Iyer on BBC Travel! | deep kyoto
Shisaku: That Real Wages Falling Means Abenomics Is Failing Thing
A closer look at the Supreme Court's welfare benefits ruling | The Japan Times
Japan’s Defense Ministry Broadens Arms-Export Ambitions - Japan Real Time - WSJ
Ben Thomas photographs Tokyo with tilt-shift technology in his book, Tiny Tokyo.
Japan has laws to give deceased pets a proper send-off - Features | The Star Online
Japan to promote night schools to handle rise in foreigners | The Japan Times
Japan schoolgirl, 15, arrested for murdering, dismembering classmate